Choreographic Coding Lab

Artist in residence
Open call

In July 2022, AΦE was excited to host UK’s first Choreographic Coding Lab (CCL) at our new A+E Lab in Chatham, UK for movement hackers and practitioners to gather to discuss and work on projects, ideas and challenges in a peer-to-peer setting. CCL was facilitated by Scott Delahunta and Daniel Bisig from the Centre for Dance Research, Coventry University and Motion Bank, and joined by 3 facilitators, Eni Brandner, Mark Coniglio and Nick Rothwell.

The CCL format offers unique opportunities of exchange and collaboration for digital media ‘code savvy’ artists who have an interest in translating aspects of choreography and dance into digital form and applying choreographic thinking to their own practice. This format supports working with patterns in movement scores and structures through finding, generating and applying them with results ranging from prototypes for artworks to new plug-ins for working with dance related datasets. The CCLs seek to support a sustainable collaborative practice among its participants, encouraging ongoing exchange in a growing artistic research community.

Results from the previous CCLs can be found: Here
Find out more details of the CCL: A+E LAB's Medium
Contact for questions: A+E Lab

Artist in residence
Open call


Host by

A+E Lab

Supported by

Motion Bank @Hochschule Mainz University of Applied Sciences
Arts Council England
Institute of Cultural and Creative Industries (iCCi)
Centre for Dance Research, Coventry University
Visual Elements
Marie Curie Fellowship

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